Tactical Move & Shoot Training


The basic tactical shooting level will teach you all the shooting fundamentals needed to advance into high levels of expertise with a firearm in threatening situations.

Unsafe Student Ejection Policy:
We have a PERFECT safety record – and we plan to keep it that way. We reserve the right to ask anyone not observing the safety rules, not displaying the appropriate attitude, or under the influence of controlled substances to leave the classroom and/or range with no refund. Our student’s safety is our top concern – and this policy has been put in place to protect you.

Category: Front Page
Tags: CCW CCF, Move & Shoot, Tactical Shooting, Training

Tactical Shooting Level-1 is recommended for you if your only experience shooting is from a static standing position. The odds are you will be very thrown off the first time you shoot and move. If you got into a defensive situation, there’s a good chance that you may have to move and shoot.

The problem is that most ranges don’t allow this type of training and few instructors offer it. However, we DO offer such training! So if you want to become a responsible safety conscious operator our Tactical Shooting Level-1  is the starting point of shooting pistol tactics. In this training you will learn how to shoot from the holster by engaging and neutralizing the threat. Additionally, you will shoot at multiple targets. This will be prepare you to make practical decisions in situations where multiple assailants can confront you. You will also practice shooting at close range from the hip and single handed.

There are 3 levels of tactical shooting that we offer. The 3 levels are meant to enhance any shooters abilities and skills, as well as to make you a more knowledgeable your own abilities to act if you ever are required to act.

Tactical Shooting Level-1 training is beginner-friendly – but will challenge experienced shooters as well. With this training you will be able to safely load/unload your firearm. You will learn how to safely draw your firearm and shoot.

Level 2 – Is a continuation point of shooting pistol tactics which you will develop additional skills in the moving and shooting process for self defense. Practicum will illustrate close encounters, as well as moving around obstacles and shooting from cover.

Level 3 – Is an amazing training class as it incorporates all of the fundamentals from Level 1 & 2 and adds an additional component to the training. Here you will practice shooting from inside a car, as well as using the car for cover.

Move & shoot is for all levels of experience shooters. We offer the course quarterly at 8:30 am on Sunday.

Check out individual concealed and range training.

Check out our VIP personal CCW+Range including 100 rounds training.

Click here to learn the requirements for concealed weapon license.


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